Our end-of-year box
Every year, we like to give you a treat. This year, we have given particular thought to the finite nature of our resources, the importance of consumption and the throwaway society in which we live. We are aware that many people in the world are far worse off. That’s why we decided to show our appreciation in a different way this time: With fewer consumer items that may not even be needed and instead with selected, high-quality gifts. At the same time, we also want to think of those who are not doing so well. We are therefore donating the remaining amount to charity (within the limits of what the tax office allows).
This is included:
1. A bottle of wine from the Becker winery: https://weingutbecker.de/

A wide variety of organic wines are produced in this family business. Our permanent employees were able to see this for themselves during a guided tour with wine tasting in July. For us, the combination of organic, vegan and regional is unbeatable!
2. The card game Nature’n’Pattern
Think of us as being childish, but we love to play and have fun! 🙂
That’s why Adela has created and officially launched her own game – independently of CyberShield. Of course, we don’t want to keep this from you. On the contrary: we hope you enjoy playing with friends and family as much as we do!
A little background information about the game: The cards are constructed like a classic 32-card Skat deck. So you can use them to play all your favourite games that require a skat deck. However, Adela’s variant has a special twist: it invites you to go outside, collect natural materials and sharpen your eye for the environment. Perhaps you will even discover one of the animals depicted on the playing cards in the wild? It’s up to each of us whether we approach the world with open senses.

You can watch a short explanatory video here:
The game website isn’t quite ready yet… but you’ll be some of the first to hold the game in your hands. Have fun with it!
3. We would like to donate the remaining amount.
But to whom? Take part in the vote! You can find the poll in the General Chat. The closing date for entries is 10/10/2024.
These institutions are available for selection:
A. Lebenshof Tierlieben: https://www.lebenshof-tierlieben.de/
We have been supporting this animal sanctuary for some time now. In the meantime, it has not only received financial support from us -> in April 2024, our permanent employees provided active support and built a larger barn for the mini pigs. More about this in the next newsletter.

On 24 March 2023, we published our second newsletter with an article about Lebenshof Tierlieben. https://2022.cybershield-consulting.com/newsletter-november-life-farm/
Do you remember our sponsored animals? Have a look at our 3rd newsletter from 20 April 2023, where we reported on them.
B. FAPAS: https://www.fapasdeutsch.com/
We are also already familiar with FAPAS. After an inspiring visit to Somiedo National Park in Spain in 2023, it quickly became clear to Adela and Christian that we wanted to support the valuable work of FAPAS – and so we made a donation at the time.

We have reported on this here: https://2022.cybershield-consulting.com/newsletter-november-fapas/
C. Labdoo: https://www.labdoo.org/deu/de/
Labdoo has already received two donations of equipment from us. Will financial support now follow? That’s entirely up to you!

We previously reported on this here: https://2022.cybershield-consulting.com/newsletter-june-labdoo/
By the way, we are still collecting old devices. If you have anything left over, you can hand it over to us in Prague, for example. Of course you also have the option of contacting Labdoo personally. It is important that this important initiative is supported!
We hope that our ideas meet with a positive response from you 🙂 It is important to us that the end-of-year box brings a smile to your face and accompanies the end of the year / your leisure time in a special way!
Do you have a nice idea as to what could fit into the next end-of-year box? Or do you know an association/organisation that would be happy to receive financial support? Share your thoughts with us!

Your Adela